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Berwyn Paoli

Little League

Berwyn Paoli Little League

Parents Dugout

As a parent, it's natural to have a lot of questions about Little League, especially if your little one is just beginning their Little League journey. The Parents Dugout consolidates many helpful topics and tools for your convenience. The FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) section of our site is helpful too.

And, once again, if you are new to Little League and would appreciate the perspective of a parent with Little League experience, reach out to us and we'll put you in touch with a parent who would be more than happy to answer your questions.

BALL ONE (1-0)
What sets Little League Apart
So many choices. Why Little League?
 FOUL BALL (1-1)
Role of Parents
You have a role to play. Embrace it.

BALL TWO (2-1)
Life Cycle of a Little Leaguer
It's a magical journey.
Coaching Expectations
We set our standards very high.

Eligibility (geographic)
Am I within league boundaries?
 BALL THREE (3-2 full count)
Age Calculator
What division do I register for?

Our number one priority. Period.
 FOUL BALL (3-2)
Helmet Regulations
Stay safe. Stay compliant.

FOUL BALL (3-2, what a battle)
Bat Standards
Little League standards to abide.
 FOUL BALL (3-2, tired yet?)
Choosing the Right Bat
Length? Weight? Material? What to do?

We need you. And you'll have a blast.

GEAR. What do we need? What is Provided?

You'll need to provide your Little Leaguer with his/her own glove, batting helmet, baseball/softball pants, and cleats. The League provides shirts and ball-caps, catchers gear and even bats if needed. However, most kids appreciate having their own bat. The following should give you a feel for the costs of the gear.

EquipmentLow  High
Batting helmet $25 $100
Tee ball bat $15 $70
Baseball/softball bat $20 $350
Glove $15 $300
Softball Face Guard $20 $45
Cleats $20 $60
Pants $20 $35

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