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Berwyn Paoli

Little League

Berwyn Paoli Little League

What sets Little League Apart

With so many choices, why Little League?

Children and families have so many choices when it comes to youth sports. Choice is a blessing, as it enables children of all leanings and abilities to enjoy competitive play and provides balance for young bodies and minds across playing seasons. With so many options, why choose Little League?

A game like no other

As far as team-sports go, baseball and softball are certified originals. Take, for example, the unique geometry and composition of the field: a diamond within a gingko leaf, punctuated by coppery infield clay. Consider the absence of a clock, ensuring a leisurely pace and environment. Even the fundamentals of play are unique. The inversion of possession (defense holds and controls the ball). The emphasis on execution over invention. Even the ever-present potential for a comeback (a team at-bat can close ANY deficit). And let’s not forget those handsome ball-caps. 


Little League runs on volunteers. Everyone gets involved to create a magical experience for the kids. Coaching, team management, infield lining/raking, field maintenance, concessions, even umpiring (they don’t do it for the paycheck)—all volunteers, all in it together. If you appreciate the opportunity to bond with your friends and neighbors and are open to new friendships, Little League paves the way. And the kids take notice and feed off the the healthy vibe of “everyone chipping in.” We need you. Reach out to our Volunteer Coordinators for more information at [email protected].

The Field of Dreams setting

Seven ball-fields; one park. Few Little Leagues are so fortunate. Any given Saturday afternoon in Spring, BPALL little leaguers of all ages and stripes—tee ball, minors and majors, softball—take to our fields. Laughter and cheers filling the air. A community in shared fun, leisure and celebration. Much like the village greens of old. 

Bonding in the dugout shade

If you have had the privilege of spending time in the dugout during a Little League game, you understand. The bonding. The laughter and chumming-it-up. The random, oftentimes hilarious conversations. And the collective, leaping-off-the-bench exhilaration as a teammate connects with the ball or rounds third with a full head of steam. The dugout culture is specific to baseball/softball.

Activities beyond the ball-games

We put our magical and secure Field of Dreams setting to imaginative use beyond league play with a variety of special events. The parents-vs-kids ball-games are not to be missed. Home-run derbies are festive and excellent viewing. Movie nights at Field of Dreams are a treat for the whole family, as are the grilled burgers and dogs, provided by our long-time grill-master in residence (Tom Toscani). In short, BPALL offers a broad experience of spring- and summer-time fun for the whole family.

The annual Little League World Series within driving distance

One hundred and seventy short miles to our northwest (less than 3 hours drive) lies the town of Williamsport, the birthplace of Little League and site of the annual Little League World Series. For Little Leaguers, this is a dream summer mini-vacation. For BPALL families, it's surprisingly affordable (all the games are free and hotels, reasonable) and oodles of fun. So pack the car, take in the games, and watch your children dream of the day they and their BPALL teammates may take to the fields of Williamsport and compete before millions of television viewers for Little League's most coveted prize. For some BPALLers, it's already an annual tradition. 


Whatever other sports you explore with your child, baseball/softball will prove a wonderful complement to their complete sporting experience. In two words: America’s pastime. Enough said.


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